In just a little over 24 hours, Terry and I will be boarding a plane along with the third person in our HUGE three person study abroad program, Theresa, to venture overseas to the Land Down Under for four and a half months! All together it is about a 23 hour flight with 3 layovers plus an hour bus ride from Brisbane to our University. Should be quite the day of traveling! We are attending Griffith University and staying in the Griffith University Village in flat style dorms. It is only a quick walk over a bridge to get to the campus and only a few minutes away from the beach(!!!?!?). I am rooming with Theresa and three Australian girls, while Terrence has one male roommate and three female roommates. It has been a slow 2.5 month long winter break, so we are very excited to finally be leaving the US of A and arriving in Gold Coast, Australia!

As you can see, Terry and I are sharing a blog. I was told that I am in charge of the blog and taking pictures because "I will be too busy wooing all of the Aussie girls to bother with such things" -Terry Kowalski. Yup, I am sure all the girls will be lusting over his voluptuous golden locks and superb physique, so Terry will definitely not have any time to spare over there.
Well, "we" will try to update this as much as possible over the course of our semester in Aussie. I will attempt to be witty and humorous (keyword: attempt), but the people who know me can contest that doesn't happen quite often. Perhaps Terry will jump in and provide some comical relief from time to time.
The living room in our flat. We will see if it actually looks like this..I sure hope it does!

A view of the city and white sandy beaches that is just minutes away from our flat!

See you down under, mates!